Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaack!!!!
Welcome to my new blogspot!
This will be the place to view all my rants and raves. I'll do my best to keep things interesting as long as you all promise to write in your comments to help keep this active!
This is also the place to ask questions or to give me input on what you'd like me to write,review, check out or whatever!
It's great to be back in touch with all of you and be sure to sign up for my new email club at
By signing up I'll keep you posted on the progress of my new "home" at the Kitchen and Cork, updates on my upcoming cookbook as well as special events that will be happening!
Stay Tuned!!!


Anonymous said...

Dave! This is such fantastic news! Of course, you're packing in more than any normal human being could, but we're thrilled for your new work field, for The Pig Kahuna (love that!), and for the Kitchen and Cork (we'll be watching this spot very closely)!

We'll also be keeping a close eye on this blog. :)

Welcome Back!!!

- the dancers

David Francisco Mallari said...

Unfortunately I work better under pressure. Just the way I was built I guess!
Great to hear from you Bill! Tell Mary "Aloha!".